[Excom] New member of Excom

president at aftld.org president at aftld.org
Fri Oct 7 00:57:26 EAT 2022

Hi team,
we have made the AGM as previously announced in the email from the 
Then I'm happy to Inform you that we have proceeded to renew 4 seats 
instead of 5 in the agenda.
Joel has not left from Kenic, he will still in the excom.
we have 4 news members from SN, RW, NG and LS. they will be join KE, BF 
and MG whose mandate are still up.
then, the next step is to organize a teleconference to allow them 
appoint the chair, VP and treasure.
when this step done, I'll officially leave of the Excom but I'll still 
member of AfTLD.
for this, let's me thank you to all off you for giving me the 
opportunity to drive the team. we did what we could.
The success is for us but failure is for me.
I wish all the best to all of you.o
Thank you Barrack.
thank you again.
Ali Hadji Mmadi

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