[Excom] New member of Excom

Alex Corenthin alex.corenthin at gmail.com
Fri Oct 7 12:45:34 EAT 2022

You deserve it !!!! 

Ton mandat a été à la hauteur des attentes de l’EXCOM, je suis fier de te compter parmi mes amis et je suis sur que bien d’autres challenges t’attendent que tu surmontera avec la même conscience et le même professionnalisme. 
L’AFTLD peut être fier du travail accompli sous ta mandature avec l’appui de notre inestimable Barrack, qui sait s’adapter à tous avec gentillesse et humilité.
Je souhaite au nouveau bureau le meilleur pour la suite, il y a encore du travail à accomplir et nous avons tous contribué modestement à poser les fondations d’une organisation forte et crédible …
Bonne chance et au plaisir de vous revoir très bientôt 

Your mandate has lived up to the expectations of the EXCOM, I am proud to count you among my friends and I am sure that many other challenges await you that you will overcome with the same conscience and the same professionalism.
The AFTLD can be proud of the work accomplished under your mandate with the support of our invaluable Barrack, who knows how to adapt to everyone with kindness and humility.
I wish the new EXCOM the best for the future, there is still work to be done and we have all contributed modestly to laying the foundations of a strong and credible organization...
Good luck and look forward to seeing you again very soon.

Dr Alex Corenthin - Consultant IT - +221 776317776
- Membre du Conseil National du Numérique (CNN)
- Président - API - www.performance-institute.org
- Gestionnaire ccTLD .sn - NIC Sénégal
- Maître de Conférences retraité - ESP / UCAD

> Le 6 oct. 2022 à 23:57, president at aftld.org a écrit :
> Hi team,
> we have made the AGM as previously announced in the email from the Secretariat.
> Then I'm happy to Inform you that we have proceeded to renew 4 seats instead of 5 in the agenda.
> Joel has not left from Kenic, he will still in the excom.
> we have 4 news members from SN, RW, NG and LS. they will be join KE, BF and MG whose mandate are still up.
> then, the next step is to organize a teleconference to allow them appoint the chair, VP and treasure.
> when this step done, I'll officially leave of the Excom but I'll still member of AfTLD.
> for this, let's me thank you to all off you for giving me the opportunity to drive the team. we did what we could.
> The success is for us but failure is for me.
> I wish all the best to all of you.o
> Thank you Barrack.
> thank you again.
> Ali Hadji Mmadi
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