[Excom] Fwd: UA Readiness Survey

Serge Roland SANOU serge.sanou at arcep.bf
Thu Jan 5 14:57:13 EAT 2023


De: "Yaovi Atohoun" <yaovi.atohoun at icann.org> 
À: "Serge Roland SANOU" <serge.sanou at arcep.bf> 
Envoyé: Mardi 3 Janvier 2023 09:25:48 
Objet: UA Readiness Survey 

Dear ccTLD manager contacts, 

Happy new year 2023 

Universal Acceptance (UA) is cornerstone to a digitally inclusive and multilingual Internet, ensuring all domain names and email addresses – in any language, script, or using any new or long TLD (e.g., . 在 线 , .photography, . ไทย , . հայ ) – are accepted equally by all Internet-enabled applications, devices, and systems. ICANN org is reaching out to the country code TLD managers to understand the progress and the challenges faced in becoming UA-ready, and how ICANN org can help support ccTLD managers by developing training and materials. 

To do this we are requesting ccTLD managers to voluntarily participate in a UA-readiness survey, which will take less than 20 minutes to answer. ICANN org will summarize the survey results without any specific details of the organizations participating in the survey. 

For your easy reference, please find attached the list of all the questions in the survey. Please provide your input to the survey at: 

[ https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfcTxyAF8jTUKNaJ2lWmDC30O9el-vKvJ3YQ9LhaRFQ9c9xbw/viewform?usp=sf_link | Universal
 Acceptance (UA) Readiness Survey for ccTLDs ] . 

We request that you answer the survey from the perspective of one ccTLD String at a time. If your organization manages more than one ccTLD, e.g. both ASCII ccTLD and IDN ccTLD, please complete a survey for each one. 

We know your time is valuable and we appreciate you taking the time to take these surveys. Together, we can work to build a more inclusive and multilingual Internet. If you have any UA related questions, please contact [ mailto:UAProgram at icann.org | UAProgram at icann.org ] . If you are interested in learning more about UA, please check out the below resources. 

· [ https://www.icann.org/ua-training-en | ICANN Learn Course and Regional UA Training Program ] 

· [ https://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/proceeding/universal-acceptance-roadmap-for-domain-name-registry-and-registrar-systems-31-08-2022 | UA
 Roadmap for Domain Registry and Registrar Systems ] 

· [ https://aptld.org/documents/working-papers/17880/ | The Role of ccTLDs in Achieving Universal Acceptance ] 

Please respond to the survey by 31 January 2023. Thanks in advance for your cooperation. 




Director, Stakeholder Engagement & Operations - Africa 


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