[Excom] Draft Letter to AFTLD members requesting for permission to use their anycast data

Barrack Otieno barrack at aftld.org
Wed Jan 20 08:49:40 EAT 2021


Below please find the first draft of the letter. Kindly advise if there 
are any changes to be made before i put it on the official letter head 
for you to sign and send.

Thank you

Best Regards
24th December 2020

Request for permission to use your anycast data for the AFTLD Domain 
Name System Observatory

Dear Sir,
Africa Top Level Domains Organization with the support of the Internet 
Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and the Africa 
Network Information Centre is working on a Domain Name System 
Observatory for the African continent. This observatory which will 
contain data on ccTLDs and other TLDs in Africa will enable the 
collection of data regularly, monitoring of the Domain Name Industry and 
needs assessment of the individual ccTLD registries, necessary for an 
informed approach and implementation of other projects including the 
joint African ccTLD and DNSSEC program that aims to strengthen ccTLDs in 
AFTLD requests for permission from your organization to use the anycast 
data that is shared with AFRINIC for purposes of updating the 
observatory. We look forwad to a favourable response on our request.

Yours Sincerely
Ali Hadji Mmadi
Executive Commitee

Barrack Otieno

General Manager

Africa Top Level Domains Organization



'The Regional Association of African ccTLDs
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