[Aftld-members] Fwd: [cctldcommunity] Join the ccNSO DASC Survey Webinar on 26 February

Barrack Otieno barrack at aftld.org
Thu Feb 13 06:12:34 EAT 2025

Dear Members,

This might be of interest to you. Kindly register.

Thank you

Best Regards
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [cctldcommunity] Join the ccNSO DASC Survey Webinar on 26 
Date: 2025-02-12 21:45
 From: Joke Braeken <joke.braeken at icann.org>
To: "ccnso-members at icann.org" <ccnso-members at icann.org>, 
"ccTLDcommunity at cctld-managers.org" <ccTLDcommunity at cctld-managers.org>, 
ccnso-council <ccnso-council at icann.org>

Dear All,

Join the ccNSO DNS Abuse Standing Committee (DASC) for a 90-minute
webinar on Wednesday, 26 February 2025, at noon UTC. This session will
present the final results of the 2024 DASC Survey, highlighting trends
in ccTLD abuse mitigation. This announcement will also be published here

Join meeting

Register in advance for this meeting:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing
information about joining the meeting.  Recordings will be posted here

About the DASC Survey

The DASC conducted its first survey in late 2022, collecting insights
from ccTLDs across different regions and governance models. The findings
revealed that ccTLDs experience low levels of abuse and that even those
with limited resources—such as funding and staff—can effectively
combat DNS abuse through well-defined policies, procedures, and
monitoring tools.

The second survey, conducted in August–September 2024, builds on the
2022 results [3], focusing on trends in DNS abuse mitigation across
ccTLDs. Key findings were presented at ICANN81 (Recording [4] | Slides

About the ccNSO DASC

Since 2022, when the ccNSO DNS Abuse Standing Committee (DASC) was
established, it has served as a forum for ccTLD managers to exchange
information, share insights and discuss practices to mitigate abuse. The
role of the committee is to raise awareness, promote dialogue and
showcase practices, not to develop or promote policy. Relevant documents
are available on its website [3] and workspace [3].

  	* DASC library [6] | The DASC has created a library to share DNS
Abuse-relevant information. The DNS abuse library [6] includes links to
tools, articles, reports and more. You can do both searches and
suggestions for content in the library. We invite you to have a look.
	* DNS Abuse Discussion List [7] | The Committee has also launched a DNS
abuse discussion email list [7], open to all persons associated with a
ccTLD with an interest in DNS abuse. The list will be used to regularly
inform you about new additions to the library, discussions, and relevant
upcoming events for ccTLDs.


Attend the DASC session on Wednesday, 12 March 2025, from 13:15 to 14:30
(local time, UTC-7) at the ICANN82 Community Forum in Seattle, USA
(8–13 March 2025). This session, open to all, will explore the role of
accurate domain name registration data in combating DNS abuse. How
crucial is it for ccTLD registries to maintain accurate data? What
impact does it have on abuse mitigation?  The session invites ccTLD
managers and stakeholders to share perspectives on this topic. While
approaches vary globally, ccTLDs consistently demonstrate low levels of

Remote participation details and recordings will be available on the
ICANN public schedule.

Best regards,

Joke Braeken

joke.braeken at icann.org

Read more about the ccNSO at ICANN82:

[1] https://ccnso.icann.org/en/news/announcements?year=2025
[2] https://community.icann.org/x/HBwFBQ
[3] https://ccnso.icann.org/en/workinggroups/dasc.htm
[6] https://community.icann.org/x/Ege7Cg
[7] https://community.icann.org/x/BJJME
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Barrack Otieno

General Manager

Africa Top Level Domains Organization



'The Regional Association of African ccTLDs

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