[Aftld-members] Invitation to a consultative session with the ccNSO Council Chair on 5th May 13 UTC

secretariat at aftld.org secretariat at aftld.org
Mon Apr 4 08:48:37 EAT 2022

Dear Members,

The AFTLD Secretariat in collaboration with the ccNSO Council 
Secretariat would like to invite you to the above mentioned session for 
a consultation on the proposed ccNSO Internal rules ( see message 

Dear Councillors,

If you have an opportunity to do so, kindly reach out to your peers and 
invite them to vote on the proposed new internal rules for the ccNSO.

Today, we received 68 votes. The 2004 rules specify that in order for 
the new rules to be adopted, a vote by at least 86 ccNSO members is 
required, of which at least 66% needs to be in favour.

Voting closes next week, on Wednesday, 6 April 2022 (23:59 UTC).

Read more: 

Thank you.

Best regards,

Joke Braeken

joke.braeken at icann.org

  Below please find details for the call:

Africa Top Level Domains Organization is inviting you to a scheduled 
Zoom meeting.

Topic: Consultative Meeting with the ccNSO Council Chair
Time: Apr 5, 2022 01:00 PM Universal Time UTC

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