[Members] ISOC Tanzania Chapter - 2022 ELECTION NOMINATIONS - OPEN

Noah noah at neo.co.tz
Tue Aug 9 23:18:48 EAT 2022

Dear ISOC Members,

We hope that you are well to that end.

As part of the transition process of the Internet Society, Tanzania Chapter
leadership, The Election Committee (ECOM) is expected to conduct the
election of new executives who will manage the affairs of the Chapter for
the next election cycle. The attached document provides the criteria and
procedures for the conduct of the upcoming elections. We have slightly
adjusted the timeline to give members enough time and at least two weeks to
nominate and second and self nominate as a team.

*All the best to all nominees and nomators and seconders. *

Best regards,
Noah Maina
Nomcom 2022 Secretary
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