[Excom] Fwd: Marathon Advisory for Sunday, 9 June in Kigali

Serge Roland SANOU serge.sanou at arcep.bf
Sat Jun 8 20:58:58 EAT 2024


De: "ICANN Meetings" <noreply at events-mail.icann.org> 
À: "Serge Roland SANOU" <serge.sanou at arcep.bf> 
Envoyé: Jeudi 6 Juin 2024 14:54:05 
Objet: Marathon Advisory for Sunday, 9 June in Kigali 


Dear Serge Roland, 

The [ https://kigalimarathon.org/ | 2024 Kigali International Peace Marathon ] will be taking place in Kigali on Sunday, 9 June, starting at 8 AM local time. 

This will affect access and transportation to the convention center. There will be road closures and unpredictable traffic, leading to potential delays and temporary changes in entrance points. [ https://icann80.sched.com/info | ICANN shuttles ] with police escorts will have priority access. 

Please note the following: 

    * Traffic Impact: Expect unpredictable traffic, especially early in the day. Plan to leave extra time to get around the city. 
    * High-Level Meeting (HLGM) Attendees: If you are attending the HLGM, please try to leave your hotel well before 8 AM to avoid the worst traffic and long badge pickup queues. 
    * ICANN Shuttles: Whenever possible, use [ https://icann80.sched.com/info | ICANN shuttles ] as they will have police escorts and priority road access. 7:00 AM and 7:15 AM shuttles have been added for Sunday only . 
    * Early Badge Pickup: If you are coming to pick up your attendee badge for ICANN80, it is recommended to come later in the day. Roads will start to reopen after 12 noon, and badge pickup will remain open until 5:30 PM. 

Please note that while all attendees can access the [ https://icann80.sched.com/venue-map | venue ] on Sunday, there may be delays due to road closures. Shuttle and taxi entrances to the venue will be directed by police throughout the day. 

All registered in-person ICANN80 participants have received this notice and will be updated with the latest information as available. 

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation, 

ICANN Meetings 

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