[Excom] Executive Committee Updates

president at aftld.org president at aftld.org
Wed Oct 18 23:11:01 EAT 2023

Dear Barrack,

I can now access the EMail, Thank you.

It seems this is not the most updated document, the one with the idea of 
looking for a new Bank offer.

Can you recheck please as all the Mailboxes was not accessible ?


Le 2023-10-16 05:31, Barrack Otieno a écrit :
> Dear EXCOM,
> Please confirm if you received the following updates which were
> circulated via the EXCOM Mailing list.
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E6JerMknikbOTdo_gqxB74zuFymT3Ptuhf2UJKrsUGU/edit
> There are several documents interlinked to the update. In case you
> have a challenge accessing any of the documents please let me know.
> Thank you
> Best Regards
> --
> Barrack Otieno
> General Manager
> Africa Top Level Domains Organization
> +254721325277
> www.aftld.org
> 'The Regional Association of African ccTLDs
> _______________________________________________
> EXCOM mailing list
> EXCOM at aftld.org
> https://mail.aftld.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/excom

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