[Excom] Aftld training from I2N-CI-Afnic

president at aftld.org president at aftld.org
Thu Apr 7 08:31:52 EAT 2022

Dear Raft,

I hope this email finds you well.

Your training proposal looks like good but let's see how we can do to 
plan it In order to be helpfull.

@Barrack, could you work closly with our relevant WG to see how it could 
be done?

Best regards.

Ali Hadji Mmadi

President Excom, AfTLD

Le 2022-04-06 09:31, RAFT RAZAFINDRAKOTO a écrit :

> Dear President and ExCOM Members,
> Please find below the training proposal awaiting your respective 
> feedback:
> 1. Proposed dates for the course : depending of Aftld annual agenda
> 2. Course outline: - two days online course for two hours max each 
> half-day
> - 10-12:00 EAT and 15-17:00 EAT
> -  Day 1 : Basis of communication and strategy - communication language 
> (writing, speaking)
> - Day 2  : Web and social networks - event and marketing.
> 3. List of Instructors: 4 Members of I2N group -Collège International 
> Afnic(Armel KEUPONDJO from Ivory Coast - Wilfried QUENUM from Benin- 
> Jean-Claude GATETE from Burundi - Raft RAZAFINDRAKOTO from Madagascar)
> 4. Training platform:  AFTLD ZOOM
> Let's notice that : - I2N standing for Identité Numérique Nationale is 
> a group of experts who support the managers of national top level 
> domain names (registry ccTLDs) in development and their registrars 
> (registrars) in their communication strategy;
> - as budget is concerned, mainly we have both lines(in terms of 
> trainers' motivation and french-english interpreting)
> Kind regards,
> Technical Working Group Chair
> Tel +261 34 01 070 37( Madagascar)
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