[Excom] DNS Abuse Framework

Angela Matlapeng matlapeng at bocra.org.bw
Wed Aug 11 09:23:04 EAT 2021

Good morning team,

I have attached the DNS Abuse Framework for your information. As you might be aware, the ICANN scope of DNS Abuse excludes content abuse, however most abuse is found in this domain, for instance, website defacements. This framework also addresses how registries and registrars can act to disrupt website content abuse in the form of child sexual abuse materials (“CSAM”); illegal distribution of opioids online; human trafficking; and specific and credible incitements to violence.

May we kindly look into the work at https://dnsabuseframework.org/ and if we all agree, share this, and encourage our ccTLD community to join the on-going work.


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