[Excom] Invitation to .BW Marketing Webinar: Theme The .bw DNS Ecosystem: An Enabler for a Thriving Digital Economy

Barrack Otieno barrack at aftld.org
Mon Oct 26 07:06:13 EAT 2020


You are Invited to the .bw ccTLD Marketing Webinar on 28th October 2020 
from 10 am - 1 PM South African time. The theme of the Webinar will be 
the .bw DNS Ecosystem: An Enabler for a thriving Digital Economy. Kindly 
save the Date. The Program will be circulated in a separate email.

Thank you

Best Regards

Barrack Otieno

General Manager

Africa Top Level Domains Organization



'The Regional Association of African ccTLDs

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