[Excom] Update on the African Domain Name System Observatory

president at aftld.org president at aftld.org
Wed Nov 18 15:08:15 EAT 2020

Dear Partners,

On behalf of Africa Top Level Domains Organization, kindly receive a 
brief update on the African Domain Name System Observatory.
We have made significant progress with the observatory and have 
developed a beta system that is available at  _https://stats.aftld.org/_
AFTLD has engaged AFRINIC with a request to collaborate on the Africa 
Domain Name observatory. The two organizations already have a memorandum 
eunderstanding that covers research as one of the core areas. The 
request entails using some of the data AFRINIC collects through the 
anycast infrastructure provided for African country code Top Level 
Domain registries. Due to the nature of the request and possible legal 
implications, AFRINIC is consulting internally on the legal 
ramifications of sharing the data it collects on its anycast platform 
before availing the same for use on the Africa  Domain Name observatory. 
In the meantime AFTLD continues to explore other avenues of obtaining 
data pertaining to registrations and deletions of domain names across 
ccTLDs and other TLDs in Africa to make the observatory dynamic.

I'll invite our secretariat to set doodle so that we can plan a meeting 
with you.

Thank you again for your suppot and confidence to the AfTLD.

Best Regards.

Hadji Mmadi ALI

President of Africa Top Level Domain Organization
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