[Aftld-members] Fwd: [Cctldworld] The ccNSO membership supports the ccNSO Council's recommendation to adopt the proposed review mechanism policy for ccTLDs

barrack at aftld.org barrack at aftld.org
Wed May 10 09:37:53 EAT 2023

Dear Members,

This is for your information and action.

Best Regards

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Cctldworld] The ccNSO membership supports the ccNSO Council's 
recommendation to adopt the proposed review mechanism policy for ccTLDs
Date: 2023-05-10 07:05
 From: Joke Braeken via Cctldworld <cctldworld at icann.org>
To: "ccnso-members at icann.org" <ccnso-members at icann.org>, 
"ccTLDcommunity at cctld-managers.org" <ccTLDcommunity at cctld-managers.org>, 
ccnso-council <ccnso-council at icann.org>, "cctldworld at icann.org" 
<cctldworld at icann.org>
Reply-To: Joke Braeken <joke.braeken at icann.org>

Dear All,

The ccPDP3-review mechanism vote is now closed. This is to inform you
about the results and to thank those who voted. This vote was to
determine whether the ccNSO membership supports the ccNSO Council's
recommendation to adopt the proposed policy on the proposed review
mechanism policy for ccTLDs. Voting closed on Tuesday, 9 May 2023 (23:59

Vote Results

At the closure of the vote, 105 Emissaries out of 173 (60%) casted their

Total Ballots Cast (including duplicates): 111
Ballots Counted (excluding duplicates): 105
Voters Who Haven't Voted: 68

101 voters supported the ccNSO Council's recommendation to adopt the
proposed policy, 2 voters did not support the recommendation, and 2
voters voted without selecting any of the options.

Next Steps

A report on the voting will be sent to the Issue Manager. The report
will be included in the Draft Board Report, which - after approval by
the ccNSO Councill - will be submitted to the ICANN Board of Directors,
as per Annex B, section 14 of the ICANN Bylaws [1].

What is this about?

The ccNSO vote was to determine whether the ccNSO membership supports
the ccNSO Council's recommendation to adopt the proposed policy, which
will introduce a review mechanism with respect to decisions pertaining
to the delegation, transfer, revocation and retirement of the delegated
ccTLDs. It offers ccTLD managers, and applicants for new ccTLDs - as
direct customers of the IANA Naming Function - an independent review
mechanism for specifically identified IANA Function Operator (IFO)
decisions, and it increases the predictability and legitimacy of those
decisions. In developing the proposed policy, the ccPDP3 Review
Mechanism working group ensured that the following objectives were met:
low cost, fast and fundamentally fair.

Read more

  	* Read the vote notice [2]
	* informative webinars on 18 April [3]: consult the recordings [4]
	* Consult the Frequently Asked Questions and Answers [5]
	* Consult the proposed policy (Members Report) here [6].
	* Check out the ccPDP3-RM materials on the ccNSO website [7]
	* Annex B of the ICANN Bylaws [1] describes the process that governs
the ccNSO policy development process.

Thank you to all who voted.

Best regards,

Joke Braeken

joke.braeken at icann.org

= = =

ICANN77 links to bookmark now

  	* ccNSO Schedule

https://community.icann.org/x/IQM5Dg [8]

  	* ccNSO Session Highlights

https://community.icann.org/x/RgI5Dg [9]

  	* Tech Day

https://community.icann.org/x/MAM5Dg [10]

[1] https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/governance/bylaws-en/#annexB
[3] https://ccnso.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-06apr23-en.htm
[4] https://community.icann.org/x/HBwFBQ
[7] https://ccnso.icann.org/en/workinggroups/pdp-review-mechanism.htm
[8] https://community.icann.org/x/IQM5Dg
[9] https://community.icann.org/x/RgI5Dg
[10] https://community.icann.org/x/MAM5Dg
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