[Aftld-members] [cctldcommunity] Election Notice: Board Seat 11

barrack at aftld.org barrack at aftld.org
Tue Nov 8 11:27:25 EAT 2022

Dear Members,

For your information, attention and action.

Dear All,

This is to inform you about the ICANN Board seat 11 election, starting
on Tuesday, 8 November 2022 (00:01 UTC) and closing on Tuesday, 29
November 2022 (23:59 UTC).

Following the call for nominations, one candidate was nominated:
Patricio Poblete.  The nomination was seconded, and Patricio accepted
the nomination.  Patricio submitted his candidate statement [1] to the
ccNSO.  The due diligence or background check was concluded without
identifying any issues or concerns.  Patricio was interviewed and
answered questions from the ccNSO members and broader ccTLD community at
a Question-and-Answer session, held on 3 November 2022. The recording of
the session is published here [2].

Even though there is only one candidate, an election will still be held,
as suggested in the past by members of the community and since then
reflected in the relevant guideline [3].

Election opening and closing

Voting starts Tuesday, 8 November 2022 (00:01 UTC) and closes on
Tuesday, 29 November 2022 (23:59 UTC), as per the timeline [4]
previously adopted by the ccNSO Council.


A total of 173 voting ballots will be sent by Monday, 7 November by
23:00 UTC, from tally at icann.org to the e-mail address of the Emissaries,
as listed in the ccNSO Members database. As per Section 10.4(e) of the
June 2022 ICANN Bylaws, the Emissary is the Representative selected by
the ccTLD Manager for the purpose of voting in the specific cases
enumerated in Article 10 & Annex B of the ICANN Bylaws and some of the
votings as per the ccNSO Internal Rules and Procedures.  Each eligible
Emissary will receive one (1) unique ballot. Currently 173 ccTLD
Managers corresponding to 173 Territories are members of the ccNSO.

The ballot will include two options: the name of the candidate and "None
of the Above". The latter option was added after ccNSO members expressed
the need for such an option.  When selecting "None of the above", a
ccTLD Manager believes that the candidate listed is not qualified to
serve on the ICANN Board of Directors.

Do you have questions or concerns regarding the email address of the
Emissary for your Territory? Contact the Nomination Process Manager,
Joke Braeken (joke.braeken at icann.org). If you are unable to locate the
ballot, please consider checking your spam folder.

Election Procedure

Each Emissary can vote as many times as needed, but only the last vote
submitted will be counted.  When the results are displayed, the votes
are only identified by the ballot ID, and not by name or email address.

There is no quorum requirement for this voting. As per section 3.7 of
the applicable guideline [3]: “_The Candidate(s) that receive(s the
majority of the votes cast by the ccNSO members, shall be the
Candidate(s) who is(are) elected to be nominated by the ccNSO Council.
In the event the majority of the votes cast is “None of the Above”
the Nomination Process shall be terminated and section 3.9 applies_”.
In the event of a tied vote, a run-off election vote or votes will be
held as per the timeline [4] adopted by the ccNSO Council.

Next steps

The election closes on Tuesday, 29 November 2022 (23:59 UTC). The
Nomination Process Manager will announce the voting result on Wednesday,
30 November 2022 (latest by 23:59 UTC).

The Nomination Process Manager will include the voting result as well as
potential issues and events related to this specific Nomination Process
in a Nomination Report. This report will be submitted to the ccNSO
Council for adoption by the January 2023 Council meeting. With adoption
of the Nomination report, the Nomination Process will close and the
Empowered Community Administration (ECA) and ICANN's Secretary will be
notified of the results of the Nomination Process accordingly.


  	* Announcement call for nominations [5]
	* Announcement candidate list [6]
	* Archive for nominations and secondments [7]
	* Applicable ccNSO guideline [3]
	* Rules for the ccNSO Membership [8]
	* Timeline [4]
	* Candidate statement Patricio Poblete [1]

Best regards,

Joke Braeken, Nomination Process Manager

[2] https://community.icann.org/x/HBwFBQ
[5] https://ccnso.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-18jul22-en.htm
[6] https://ccnso.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-16aug22-en.htm
[7] https://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ccnso-boardnominations/
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