[Aftld-members] [cctldcommunity] Reminder: voting on the new ccNSO internal rules starts next week

Barrack Otieno barrack at aftld.org
Mon Mar 21 10:44:49 EAT 2022

Dear All,

To determine whether the ccNSO members support the adoption of the
proposed new ccNSO internal rules, voting will start next week, on
Wednesday, 23 March 2022 (00:01 UTC). The vote ends Wednesday, 6 April
2022 (23:59 UTC).

The ballots will be sent latest on Tuesday, 22 March by tally at icann.org
to the e-mail address of the primary contact of each ccNSO Member.  The
vote will be by confidential email. If by next Wednesday you are unable
to locate the ballot, consider checking your spam folder. Contact Joke
Braeken (joke.braeken at icann.org) if you have questions or concerns
regarding the e-mail address of the primary contact for your ccTLD.


  	* 2004 internal ccNSO rules [1]
	* proposed new rules [2]
	* Timeline [3] voting
	* Frequently Asked Questions [4]

Read more:

Best regards,

Joke Braeken

joke.braeken at icann.org

 From: Ccnso-members <ccnso-members-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of
"ccnso-members at icann.org" <ccnso-members at icann.org>
Reply to: Joke Braeken <joke.braeken at icann.org>
Date: Thursday, 24 February 2022 at 23:11
To: "ccnso-members at icann.org" <ccnso-members at icann.org>, cctldcommunity
<ccTLDcommunity at cctld-managers.org>, ccnso-council
<ccnso-council at icann.org>
Subject: [ccnso-members] Heads up: voting on the new ccNSO internal
rules starts post ICANN73

Dear All,

  This is a heads up about the upcoming vote on the new ccNSO internal
rules.  Read the proposed new rules and some frequently asked questions
and answers below and find them enclosed. To learn more, join the
ICANN73 ccNSO Governance Session, when the ccNSO Guideline Review
Committee (GRC) subgroup on rules will inform the ccNSO membership about
the vote on the new ccNSO rules, which propose to replace the 2004
rules. Voting will begin after ICANN73.
This announcement will be posted on the ccNSO website as well.

  What is this about?

  The new rules will have a direct impact on the governance structure of
the ccNSO, specifically on the respective roles and responsibilities of
the ccNSO Council and ccNSO members.

  The ccNSO has organized various sessions on the proposals to replace
the 2004 ccNSO internal rules in recent ICANN Public Meetings, where the
ccNSO Council and Members have been discussing the need to update the
rules.  A GRC subgroup held various consultations with the ccNSO
membership to identify issues, find solutions and to update about
progress.  Based on the feedback, the Group finalised its draft. The
ccNSO Council adopted the proposed new Rules (in accordance with section
10.3(k) of the ICANN Bylaws) at its meeting on 24 February.  The
proposed Rules are now ready to be put before the ccNSO membership for

  What are the next steps?

  During ICANN73, the GRC subgroup on rules will present the proposed new
set of internal ccNSO rules, and will inform the ccNSO members about the
upcoming vote.  Join us on Tuesday, 8 March 2022 (16:30-18:00 UTC) for a
session on the ccNSO Governance.  To attend, please register
[73.schedule.icann.org] [5] for ICANN73. Please note that participation
links will be available 24 hours prior to session start times. Session
materials and recordings will be available on the ICANN73 website as

  ccNSO Members are invited to cast their votes 23 March - 6 April. As
per section 8 of the 2004 Rules, in order for the new rules to be
adopted, a vote by at least 86 ccNSO members is required, of which at
least 66% needs to be in favor.  The ccNSO Secretariat will share voting
instructions post ICANN73.

  Read more

  	* 2004 internal ccNSO rules [ccnso.icann.org] [6]
	* proposed new rules [7] (and enclosed)
	* Frequently Asked Questions and Answers (see below and enclosed)

On behalf of the ccNSO Guidelines Review Committee subgroup on rules,

  David McAuley, Chair GRC Subgroup ccNSO Rules

  Irina Danelia

  Stephen Deerhake

  Chris Disspain

  Atsushi Endo

  Ann-Cathrin Marcussen

  Alejandra Reynoso

  Sean Copeland (Observer)

  Katrina Sataki (Observer)

  Frequently Asked Questions


  What is this vote about?

  To determine whether the ccNSO members support the adoption of the
proposed new ccNSO internal rules.  The 2004 rules clearly specify that
in order for the new rules to be adopted, a vote by at least 86 ccNSO
members is required, of which at least 66% needs to be in favour.


  Who can vote?

  On 21 March 2022, the primary contacts of each ccNSO Member will
receive a ballot. Questions? Contact joke.braeken at icann.org


  When will the vote be held?

  Voting starts Wednesday, 23 March 2022 (00:01 UTC) and ends Wednesday,
6 April 2022 (23:59 UTC).  If needed, a second round will be held 21
April - 5 May.


  Why do the 2004 rules need to be replaced?

  The 2004 rules are no longer fit for purpose: they were adopted in
2004, and since then the ccNSO has evolved. The ccNSO went from 40+ to
172 members, and evolved from an organisation with limited scope and
mandate to being one of the five Decisional Participants.  Also, the
ccNSO developed in the meanwhile several Operational Procedures
(Guidelines), in addition to the Rules.

  FAQ #5

  What is included in the new rules?

  The new rules will have a direct impact on the governance structure of
the ccNSO, specifically on the respective roles and responsibilities of
the ccNSO Council and ccNSO members.  The new rules will contain the
following sections:

  •(Section 0) Introduction to the Rules

  •(Section 1) ccNSO Decision making

  •(Section 2) Voting by ccNSO Membership

  •(Section 3) Review of the Rules

  •(Section 4) Change mechanisms Rules and Operational Procedures



  What are the major changes between the 2004 rules and the new rules?

  	* An introductory section clarifies the relation with Article 10 of
the ICANN Bylaws and refers to the general principles, which constitute
the foundation of the ccNSO. This introduction is not an integral part
of the rules.

	* The decision-making processes of the ccNSO were clarified:  Which
decisions are explicitly reserved to be taken by the ccNSO membership
and which by the ccNSO Council?  Which Council decisions are subject to
the members veto mechanism? What is the effective date of Council
decisions?  What is the decision-making process by the members? What is
the quorum rule?
Note that the quorum has changed from 50% of the members to 33% of the
members that need to cast a vote. Please also note that the proposal
includes that in case the quorum is not met during the initial members
voting round, a second final vote will have to be conducted with the
same quorum (33% of the members need to cast their vote). The quorum
rule, however, will not apply to a decision being made on elections to
the ICANN Board.	* A basic review mechanism and frequency of the new
Rules were specified
	* The mechanism to change the new ccNSO Rules and ccNSO Operating
Procedures or Guidelines.
	* A glossary was added, with definitions of some of the terms used in
the Rules.


  Where can I read more about the vote?

  For the latest updates, go to the announcements page on the ccNSO
website [ccnso.icann.org] [8].

Joke Braeken

joke.braeken at icann.org

[4] https://ccnso.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-25feb22-en.htm
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Barrack Otieno

General Manager

Africa Top Level Domains Organization



'The Regional Association of African ccTLDs

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