[Aftld-members] Fwd: [ccnso-council] Call for volunteers: Join the ccNSO DNS Abuse Standing Committee (DASC)

Barrack Otieno barrack at aftld.org
Wed Apr 13 07:44:47 EAT 2022

Dear Members,

This is for your attention and action.

Thank you

Best Regards

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [ccnso-council] Call for volunteers: Join the ccNSO DNS Abuse 
Standing Committee (DASC)
Date: 2022-04-12 16:44
 From: Joke Braeken via Ccnso-council <ccnso-council at icann.org>
To: "ccnso-members at icann.org" <ccnso-members at icann.org>, cctldcommunity 
<ccTLDcommunity at cctld-managers.org>, ccnso-council 
<ccnso-council at icann.org>
Reply-To: Joke Braeken <joke.braeken at icann.org>

Dear All,

The ccNSO seeks volunteers for the new ccNSO DNS Abuse Standing
Committee (DASC).  The DASC is the core of the ccTLD community-driven
process around DNS Abuse. This call for volunteers closes Friday, 29
April 2022, 23:59 UTC. Further background details and information on how
to join are included below. This announcement will be posted on the
ccNSO website as well.

Potential DASC members and those want to learn more about the work of
the DASC are kindly invited to a 1-hour webinar, on Wednesday, 20 April
2022.  See

There will be two editions of the same webinar:

DASC Webinar (1) | Wednesday, 20 April 2022 (7 UTC)

Register in advance for this meeting:


DASC Webinar (2) | Wednesday, 20 April 2022 (16 UTC)

Register in advance for this meeting:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing
information about joining the meeting.  Recordings will become available
here: https://community.icann.org/display/ccnsowkspc/ccNSO+Webinars [2]

Purpose and Mandate

The ccNSO Council adopted [3] the Road map for the ccNSO and DNS Abuse
in March 2022.

The ccNSO DNS Abuse Standing Committee (DASC) is intended to maintain a
dedicated forum for ccTLD Managers to discuss the important topic of DNS
Abuse and to share information, insights, and practices. It is primarily
aimed at ccTLD Managers who participate within the ICANN community but
is not limited to ccNSO members. Participation is purely voluntary. In
keeping with the nature of the ccNSO, the purpose of the Committee is
not to formulate any policy or standards, recognising that policy
development in this area is out of scope of the ccNSO policy remit. The
overarching purpose is to raise understanding and awareness of the
issues pertaining to DNS Abuse, promote open and constructive dialogue,
and ultimately to assist ccTLD Managers in their efforts to mitigate the
impact of DNS Abuse. In undertaking its activities, the Committee is not
mandated nor shall it act as a representative of nor act on behalf of
the ccNSO, ccNSO Membership, ccNSO Council or individual ccTLD Managers
collectively or individually.

Scope of activities

The main areas of activities are:

  	* Enhance sharing of information and practices for the benefit of
	* Showcase ccTLD efforts
	* Reinforce the message about the nature of ccTLDs and the (limited)
role of the ccNSO when addressing other stakeholders in the DNS
	* Share DNS Abuse related metrics

The Committee is expected to create and maintain a repository of useful
resources for ccTLD managers.

Workload & working method

The DASC will starts its work around ICANN74 in June 2022, and is
expected to convene via recorded teleconferences every other week.
Consult the Roadmap [4] for more details about the phased approach.

Who can join?

Members can be representatives from all ccTLD managers listed in the
IANA database, whether members or non-members of the ccNSO.  The
Committee should represent ccTLDs globally with at least one member from
each of the ICANN geographical regions.


DASC members are not compensated. The ccNSO has a limited number of
travel funding slots to ICANN public meetings with a face-to-face
component, for those participants that actively participate in the work
of the ccNSO and makes a special contribution to its projects and

How to apply?

If you are interested in joining the DASC, kindly send an e-mail to
joke.braeken at icann.org , with the following materials:

  	* your statement of interest, including a short biography
	* Kindly specify your affiliation with a ccTLD Manager, and disclose
potential conflicts of interest.

Closing date of this call for volunteers is Friday, 29 April 2022, 23:59

The ccNSO Secretariat will send all DASC members a Public Data Consent
Form. Via this form, you consent to ICANN processing data in order to
add you as a member of the DASC and its mailing list(s). The form
explains the information ICANN will process to administer your
participation in the DASC and how the information will be used for this
purpose. It also describes the rights you have regarding your

Background & Links

All relevant resources will be published on its workspace [5].

Consult here [3] the announcement regarding the ccNSO Council’s
resolution to adopt the Roadmap regarding the ccNSO and DNS Abuse.

During ICANN73, ccTLDs suggested areas for improvement to the draft
DASC's draft Terms of Reference, specifically to include safeguards with
respect to the scope of its mandate. The amended Terms of Reference [6]
were subsequently adopted by Council.

Best regards,

Joke Braeken

joke.braeken at icann.org

[2] https://community.icann.org/display/ccnsowkspc/ccNSO+Webinars
[3] https://ccnso.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-28mar22-en.htm
[6] https://ccnso.icann.org/en/about/ccnso-draft-dasc-25mar22-en.pdf
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personal data for purposes of subscribing to this mailing list 
accordance with the ICANN Privacy Policy 
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(https://www.icann.org/privacy/tos). You can visit the Mailman link 
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altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on.

Barrack Otieno

General Manager

Africa Top Level Domains Organization



'The Regional Association of African ccTLDs

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