[Aftld-members] Alert Members report & voting process outcome ccNSO PDP Retirement Policy Retirement ccTLDs

secretariat at aftld.org secretariat at aftld.org
Thu Jul 8 15:11:01 EAT 2021

Dear Members,

This is a polite reminder for you to vote.

Best Regards

The voting process started yesterday 07 July 2021, 00.01 UTC and is open 
up and
until 28 July 2021, 23.59 UTC and only the primary contacts of the ccNSO
member (see: https://ccnso.icann.org/en/primary-contact [1]) will
receive a ballot to vote. The primary contacts have already been
contacted by the ccNSO Secretariat.

The Members Report, which includes the recommended policy and ccNSO
Council decision of 17 June 2021, is available at:
https://ccnso.icann.org/en/workinggroups/pdp-retirement.htm [2]

  The policy is included in the Final Paper of the Retirement Working
Group section 1- 5 (Annex A  of the Members Report). For ease of
understanding, a summary and flow diagram of the proposed policy are
included below, which is also included in the Members Report.

Kind regards,

Bart Boswinkel

Issue Manager ccPDP3 Retirement ccTLDs

  Summary of recommended policy on the retirement of ccTLDs

  Objective of the Policy. The Policy should provide clear and
predictable guidance and document a process that is  orderly
andreasonable  up and  to,  but  excluding, the removal of a ccTLD from
the Root Zone.

  Applicability of the Policy. This Policy applies to all entries in the
Root Zone database which are identified as ccTLDs and are subject to a
Retirement Triggering Event, which are defined as:

  	* For 2 letter ccTLDs which corresponded to an ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Code
Element – The deletion of the Alpha-2 Code Element from the ISO 3166-1
Standard by the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance Agency (“ISO 3166/MA”).
	* For 2  letter Latin ccTLDs  which  do not correspond to an ISO 3166-1
Alpha-2 Code Element – The ISO 3166-1 Making a change (other than
making it an ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Code Element) to any of these.
	* For IDN ccTLDs – The Triggering Event will be identified in the
Policy on the (de-)selection of IDN ccTLD strings, which was initiated
on 21 May 2020.

  Retirement Process Expectations. There is a good faith obligation for
both the IANA Naming Functions Operator (IFO) and theManager of the
retiring ccTLD to ensure an orderly shutdown of the retiring ccTLD which
takes into consideration the interests of itsregistrants and the
stability and security of the DNS.

  Notice of Removal & Standard Duration Removal Process. Once the IFO
confirms that a Retirement Triggering Event has occurred and that the
ccTLD should be retired, it shall promptly notify the Manager of the
ccTLD that the ccTLD shall be removed from the Root Zone five (5) years
from the date of the notice (Notice of Removal), unless the Manager has
requested an extension and this extension was granted.

  Extension of Removal Process. If the Manager wishes to request an
extension of the Default 5 years removal process, it must request this
from the IFO as part of a Retirement Plan.

  Retirement Plan. If the Manager of the retiring ccTLD wishes to request
an extension beyond the five (5) standard duration of the process, the
manager must produce a Retirement Plan which is acceptable to the IFO.
The retirement plan must be produced within twelve (12) months of the
date the Notice of Removal was sent. To be acceptable, the Retirement
Plan shall contain:

  	* A copy of the Notice of Removal
	* Date the ccTLD is expected to stop taking registrations, renewals and
transfers that exceed the Date of Removal fromthe Root Zone.
	* Details of a communications plan to advise the registrants of
Retirement of the ccTLD.

  	* The length of the extension requested (a maximum of five (5)
additional years) including the proposed Date of the removal of the
ccTLD from the Root Zone.

  	* The reasons for requesting an extension as well as an impact
analysis which supports the reasons for making the extension request.

  Granting Extension. Granting an extension to the Default Retirement
Date is at the discretion of the IFO and shall not be unreasonably

  If the ccTLD manager and the IFO cannot agree on a Retirement Plan
within the required timeframe the ccTLD shall be removed from the Root
Zone 5 years from the date the IFO has sent the Notice of Removal to the
Manager of the retiring ccTLD.

  If the request for an extension is rejected and the ccTLD Manager
believes that the rejection is unreasonable or inconsistent with the
Retirement Plan requirements, it may appeal the decision by the IFO.

  Oversight. This Policy is directed at ICANN and the IFO as the entity
that performs the IANA Naming Functions with respect to ccTLDs. This
Policy will not change or amend the role that the ICANN Board of
Directors has with respect to individual cases of ccTLD Delegation,
Transfer and Revocation.

  Review. The WG has identified two situations that could be subject to a

  	* If the ccTLD Manager disagrees with the IFO’s decision to initiate
the Retirement Process for a 2 letter Latin ccTLD which does not
correspond to an ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Code Element following the ISO
3166-1 MA making a change to this entry.
	* If the ccTLD Manager disagrees with the IFO’s decision to refuse
the request for an extension of the default five (5) year duration of
the Retirement Process.

[1] https://ccnso.icann.org/en/primary-contact
[2] https://ccnso.icann.org/en/workinggroups/pdp-retirement.htm
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Barrack Otieno

General Manager

Africa Top Level Domains Organization



'The Regional Association of African ccTLDs
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